Category Archives: Freedom

Your Chance To Shape The Future

Mid-term elections are generally low key events. Voter turnout is often low and the electorate could be termed as, well, “sleepy” in their response. November 2010 is different, however, and even the primaries leading up to the November election have a real feel of importance.

Arkansas has already started the early voting for their primary which is on the 18th of May. There are many good candidates and it can be a little confusing. It is so important, though, to educate ourselves about the positions that these candidates have. We need real conservatives who are willing to stand up and be counted. Those types are few and far between, but they are out there. So, what can we do to find out where these candidates stand? Here’s a few ideas:
1. Get a copy of the ballet to find out who you will be voting on.
2. Go to their websites and find out what their positions are.
3. If they have a legislative track record, look at their key votes on the issues that matter to you.
4. Use resources such as interviews that they have given to the press.
5. Call their campaign office if you need an answer to what their position is on an issue.
6. Make absolutely sure that you are registered to vote.

So, what’s at stake? The future of our country! Right now, the left is pushing as fast and as far as they can to move our country closer to socialism. We need to send a powerful message in 2010 in order to even slow them down. So, if you love your country, take the time to get involved and don’t just stop with yourself. Talk to your friends. Take people to the polls who have a hard time getting out. The ability to vote is our constitutional responsibility and our privilege. This year, it’s the way to save our country. This year it matters more than ever. Don’t forget to VOTE!

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Filed under Democracy, Elections, Freedom, Uncategorized

Obamacare podcast

Cross Section Podcast

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Filed under Alcee Hastings, Democracy, Economy, Elections, Freedom, Health care fix it bill, Health Care Reform, Politics, T.E.A Party

They Can’t Win On Facts…So They Accuse Us Of Hate Speech And Violence

It’s beyond the pale.  We’ve had about four days now of stories coming from the left about right wing violence.  Let me see now.  How about some facts from the main stream media!  They are either in the pocket of the left or they are just willing shills for the Democrats.  O.k., they won’t give you facts only anecdotal evidence of how mean and violent we are?  (Reminds me of the “anecdotal evidence” a.k.a. medical horror stories offered by the left during the ramp up to the health care vote.)  Back to the facts.  Here are the facts.

Fact #1-The only violent act that I have been able to document is a severed gas line at the home of a congressman’s brother.  O.k. that guy should be arrested but he’s one guy!

Fact #2-No arrests have been made in any of the recent demonstrations by people againt the health care legislation.

Fact #3-Many congressmen, including Jesse Jackson Jr. videotaped their provocative walk to the capital with Nancy Pelosi out front leading them with her giant gavel.  If anybody actually said something nasty it would be all over You-tube.  And what was the purpose of walking through a group of protestors like that?  Were they wanting something violent to happen that would serve their purpose?  Hmmm. 

Fact #4-Acts of real violence by the left:

  •  Eco-terrorism that has resulted in the loss of life and property
  • Sarah Palin hung in effigy
  • A movie produced about the “assassination” of President Bush
  • The Black Panthers in Philadelphia trying to scare voters away
  • The Bush/Cheney offices being vandalized during their campaign
  • A bullet coming through the window of Eric Cantors office!

These were real acts.  They happened on the left and you didn’t hear about them in the main stream media except for a little blurb here and there.   Oh, and have you heard some of the recordings of messages left on Republican congressmen’s voice mail?  No, you’ve just heard the “angry, violent, right wingers.” 

Give me a break.  If we can’t see that this is political exploitation of a bunch of average, every day citizens, that has only marched peacefully at rallies that you can take your kids to, than I don’t have much hope for us. 

The truth of the matter is that they want to divide the right, by getting us to think, “Well, I sure don’t want to be a part of a violent fringe group!”  Don’t take the bait.  Let’s stick to the facts-something that the left is seemingly unable or unwilling to do.


Filed under Eric Cantor, Freedom, Health Care Reform, Nancy Pelosi, Politics, T.E.A Party, Town Hall Meetings

We Have Only Begun To Fight!!!

It was really hard to watch the Democrats pass a piece of legislation by 4 votes that will change 1/6 of our economy.  I have to admit it…I was disheartened.  I am mad.  However,  as I watched President Obama and Vice President Biden congratulating one another with a wink, nod, hug, oh…and profanity; my anger turned to resolve.

I am reminded of the response of the American people after 9/11.  I am reminded of the response of the American people after Pearl Harbor.  The day after these stunning defeats in our nation’s history, the resolve of the American people was amazing.   People started showing up at recruiting stations.  Communities started organizing to assist in whatever ways they could.   While Nancy Pelosi is grinning from ear to ear in her smug way, she should remember an interesting piece of history.  The Japanese admiral who planned the Pearl Harbor attack was Admiral Yamamoto.  He was educated in the United States as a young man.  He had witnessed capitalism and the American spirit in action and even as he ordered the attack; a cold chill permeated his heart which he expressed in his famous statement that he “feared that Japan had awakened a sleeping giant.”   He was right. 

Speaker Pelosi, you have awakened a sleeping giant in this country: a people who refuse to leave their children and grand children crippling debt, a proud people who do not need to have the government hold their hand from cradle to grave to survive, and a people who have historically always been ready to help their neighbors in need.

The battle plans are already in the works.  It will take every concerned citizen to be involved in these up and coming elections.  This is the election that we must take to the streets.  Our country stands on the precipice of history.  There is no time left.   Will you join the fight?  Will you be informed about your candidates?  Are you willing to hold your representative’s feet to the fire to ensure that this out of control spending stops?



Filed under Democracy, Elections, Freedom, Government waste, Health Care Reform, Nancy Pelosi, Politics

Stop The Slaughter

Rep. Louise Slaughter attempts to silence the American People by "deeming" the health care bill passed.

Representative Louise Slaughter , Chairman House Rules Committee, is attempting to use a “self executing rule” that would send obamacare to the President for his signature.  The procedure is described in this Wall Street Journal article:

It is imperative that we contact the nine Democratic members of the House Rules Committee and tell them that we are apalled that such a measure would be considered and implore them to vote no on the measure.

Representative Louise M. Slaughter      202-225-3615     

Representative Joe McGovern            (202) 225-6101

Representative Alcee Hastings          (202) 225-1313     

Representative Doris Matsui             202.225.7163     

Representative Dennis Cardoza           (202) 225-6131    

Representative Mike Arcuri           (202)225-3665     

Representative Ed Permutter         202.225.2645     

Representative Chellie Pingree       (202) 225-6116     

Representative Jared Polis        202.225.2161


Filed under Alcee Hastings, Chellie Pingree, Democracy, Dennis Cardoza, Doris Matsui, Ed Permutter, Freedom, Health Care Reform, Jared Polis, Joe McGovern, Louise Slaughter, Mike Arcuri


Here’s the list of Blue Dogs and the Lap Dogs.  Give them a call and tell them not only to vote no…but call for the for the vote NOW!  President Obama claims there has been too much talking …we agree…LET’S ROLL.

Congressional Members that need to vote NO again on Obamacare:


Bobby Bright (Ala. 2)

P: (202) 225-2901  F: (202) 225-8913
Parker Griffith (Ala. 5)
P: (202) 225-4801  F: (202) 225-4392
Artur Davis (Ala. 7)
P: (202) 225-2665  F: (202) 226-9567


Mike Ross (Ark. 4)

P: (202) 225-3772  F: (202) 225-1314
Betsy Markey (Colo. 4)

P: (202) 225-4676  F: (202) 225-5870
Allen Boyd (Fla. 2)

P: (202) 225-5235  F: (202) 225-5615
Suzanne Kosmas (Fla. 24)
P: (202) 225-2706  F: (202) 226-6299
Jim Marshall (Ga. 8)

P: (202) 225-6531  F: (202) 225-3013
John Barrow (Ga. 12)
P: (202) 225-2823  F: (202) 225-3377
Walt Minnick (Id. 1)

P: (202) 225-6611  F: (202) 225-3029
Ben Chandler (Ky. 6)

P: (202) 225-4706  F: (202) 225-2122 
Charlie Melancon (La. 3)

P: (202) 225-4031  F: (202) 226-3944 
Frank Kratovil Jr. (Md. 1)

P: (202) 225-5311  F: (202) 225-0254
Travis Childers (Miss. 1)

P: (202) 225-4306  F: (202) 225-3549 

Gene Taylor (Miss. 4)

P: (202) 225-5772  F: (202) 225-7074 

P: (202) 225-2165  F: (202) 225-1593
Ike Skelton (Mo. 4)

P: (202) 225-2876  F: (202) 225-2695
Mike McIntyre (N.C. 7)

P: (202) 225-2731  F: (202) 225-5773

Larry Kissell (N.C. 8)

P: (202) 225-3715  F: (202) 225-4036

Heath Shuler (N.C. 11)

P: (202) 225-6401  F: (202) 226-6422
Harry Teague (N.M. 2)

P: (202) 225-2365  F: (202) 225-9599
Michael E. McMahon (N.Y. 13)

P: (202) 225-3371  F: (202) 226-1272

Scott Murphy (N.Y. 20)

P: (202) 225-5614  F: (202) 225-1168

Eric Massa (N.Y. 29)

P: (202) 225-3161  F: (202) 226-6599


John Boccieri (Ohio 16)

P: (202) 225-3876  F: (202) 225-3059

Dennis J. Kucinich (Ohio 10)

P: (202) 225-5871  F: (202) 225-5745


Dan Boren (Okla. 2)

P: (202) 225-2701  F: (202) 225-3038
Jason Altmire (Pa. 4)

P: (202) 225-2565  F: (202) 226-2274
Tim Holden (Pa. 17)
P: (202) 225-5546  F: (202) 226-0996
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (S.D.)

P: (202) 225-2801  F: (202) 225-5823
Lincoln Davis (Tenn. 4)

P: (202) 225-6831  F: (202) 226-5172
Bart Gordon (Tenn. 6)
P: (202) 225-4231  F: (202) 225-6887
John Tanner (Tenn. 8)
P: (202) 225-4714  F: (202) 225-1765
Chet Edwards (Tex. 17)

P: (202) 225-6105  F: (202) 225-0350
Jim Matheson (Utah 2)

P: (202) 225-3011  F: (202) 225-5638
Glenn Nye (Va. 2)

P: (202) 225-4215  F: (202) 225-4218

Rick Boucher (Va. 9)

P: (202) 225-3861  F: (202) 225-0442
Brian Baird (Wash. 3)

P: (202) 225-3536  F: (202) 225-3478

Collin C. Peterson (Minn. 7)


Congressional Members who voted YES on the original bill and need to vote NO now:

Congressman Marion Berry (AR)

P: (202) 225-4076   F: (202) 225-5602
****Congressman Berry’s office has apparently just been hanging up on people as soon as they determine they oppose the health care bill.  Please keep calling till you get someone that will listen***
Congressman Harry Mitchell (AZ)

P: (202) 225-2190  F: (202) 225-3263

Congressman Gabrielle Giffords (AZ)

P: (202) 225-2542  F: (202) 225-0378


Congressman Dennis Cardoza (CA)

P: (202) 225-6131  F: (202) 225-0819
Congressman Jim Costa (CA)
P: (202) 225-3341  F: (202) 225-9308

Congressman Paul Hodes (NH)

P: (202) 225-5206  F: (202) 225-2946 
Congressman Michael Arcuri (NY)

P: (202) 225-3665  F: (202) 225-1891

Congressman Tim Bishop (NY)

P: (202) 225-3826  F: (202) 225-3143

Congressman Dan Maffei (NY)

Congressman Brad Ellsworth (IN)
P: (202) 225-4636  F: (202) 225-3284
Congressman Joe Donnelly (IN)

P: (202) 225-3915  F: (202) 225-6798

Congressman Baron Hill (IN)

P: (202) 225-5315  F: (202) 226-6866
Congressman Mark Schauer (MI)

P: (202) 225-6276  F: (202) 225-6281


Congressman Earl Pomeroy (ND)

P: (202) 225-2611  F: (202) 226-0893


Congressman Dina Titus (NV)

P: (202) 225-3252  F: (202) 225-2185

Congressman Kurt Schrader (OR)

P: (202) 225-5711  F: (202) 225-5699
Congressman Steve Driehaus (OH)

P: (202) 225-2216  F: (202) 225-3012

Congressman Zach Space (OH)

P: (202) 225-6265  F: (202) 225-3394

Congressman Charlie Wilson (OH)

P: (202) 225-5705  F: (202) 225-5907

Congressman Chris Carney (PA)

P: (202) 225-3731  F: (202) 225-9594



Filed under Freedom, Health Care Reform, Politics

Massachusetts Says, “Can You Hear Me Now?”

Oh the irony.  In what is perhaps the most stunning political upset in the last 100 years, the senate seat that was held by Ted Kennedy for nearly half a century has gone to a Republican.  Massachusetts, which is as blue a state as you can get,  has chosen a Republican to represent them in the United States Senate.  Massachusetts, the state where the original tea party in Boston Harbor was held; has held another tea party of sorts.    This time the message did not have to travel across an ocean to a king, but only across the potomac to Washington, D.C. 

 The question is why?   Why would a state, who proudly calls themselves liberals,  give a Republican candidate the vacated seat of the champion of the public option in  health care?

The answer,  in my opinion,  is that they have had enough.  Enough of what? 

  • Government spending that will leave our great great grandchildren broke
  • Secret, closed door meetings where the oligarchy of Reid, Pelosi, and Obama decide what will go in a bill
  • Payoffs of Senators, and special interest groups (unions)  in order to pass a bill
  • The arrogant attitude that Washington knows what’s best for you
  • Terrorists moving to our shores
  • Constantly punishing the producers of this country with higher and higher taxes, because, let’s face it: if your business is profitable and productive you must be a greedy capitalist pig!

Listen up, Washington;  we have had it!  Can you imagine what will happen in the November 2010 election if you continue to choose not to listen to us?  Can you imagine the level of discontent in the middle of the country if an extremely blue, east coast state was angry enough to elect a Republican? 

Are you listening Washington D.C.?  We know that the fate of our country is in your hands, but know this; your fate  is in OUR hands, so make your next decisions wisely.  Either listen to your constituents or get ready to pack your bags!

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Filed under Capitalism-Free Market, Elections

Happy New Year From The Ladies Of The Cross Section!

Beth, Bea, and I wish everyone a very happy New Year.   We have reasons to be very optimistic about our future as long as we as citizens care enough to get involved in our political process.  One of the best things that happened in 2009 was the Tea Party phenomenom.  Millions of Americans got involved and we let our voices be heard.

As one lady said at one of the many town hall meetings: “You have awakened a sleeping giant!”  She was right on.  We’ve never seen conservatives take their message to the street and to Capital Hill as they did in 2009.  Whether it was Cap and Tax, Health Care “Reform”, or the Stimulus Package, Americans stood up and said, “No!”  Great job tea partiers!  Party on!

2010 promises to be an exciting year.  Don’t be silenced by the media elite and don’t be discouraged by the political status quo.  Let’s get out there and take back our country in 2010!  Happy New Year!

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Filed under Democracy, Elections, Freedom, Health Care Reform, T.E.A Party, Town Hall Meetings

Taking a Lesson From the Main Stream Media

Yes,  I did say taking a lesson from the main stream media.  Normally I’m not a big fan of the mainstream media.  However, on Thursday, October 22nd, The White House, in the latest of attempts to shut down freedom of the press, tried to keep Fox News out of press pool interviews at the Department of Treasury.  In what was either an act of courage or fear that they could be next, the mainstream media came to the defense of Fox News and said if they aren’t invited to the interview, we won’t do the interview either. 

This act of unity on the part of these news organizations put a stop to the bullying tactics of the White House…at least for the moment.  This is the lesson:  If we want to stop our constitution from being torn asunder, piece by piece, then we have to stay united.  We must speak as one and say to the administration and congress that we will not tolerate our freedoms being dismantled.   Here are a few of our rights that are under attack:

  • The right to keep and bear arms as stated in the 2nd amendment
  • The right to have private property and to do with that private property as we wish
  • Freedom in media, including radio, tv, and the internet as shown in the attempts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, network neutrality, and the attacks on Fox News.
  • The right of companies to decide what they pay their executives

United we stand, divided we fall.

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Filed under Freedom, Freedom of the Press

Let The Buyer Beware

Here’s something to consider.  This is a cartoon produced by Harding College way back in 1948.  Let’s be sure not to buy any “Ism” snake oil!  Many people are being tricked into thinking that handing over our freedom to the government so that they can “take care of us” would be a great thing.  America is a great country, but a lot of people today are trying to tear it down.  Let the Buyer Beware!

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Filed under Democracy, Freedom