Tag Archives: Health Care Reform

Federal Funding for Abortion…It’s Here Despite Obama/B. Lincoln Promises

Pennsylvania has become the first state to receive funding for federally funded abortions. According to Red Orbit, Pennsylvania will receive $160,000,000 which will directly fund abortions through the high risk insurance pool. This was authorized by the same Obama administration who came out with the unenforceable executive order that they said would prevent abortions from being federally funded. We knew that was a lie.

Blanche Lincoln, on her website, in town hall meetings, and interviews, promised that she would not vote for any measure that would allow for abortions to be federally funded beyond what the Hyde amendment would allow. Here’s Blanche’s statement regarding abortion from last year:

The Health Care Reform Bill adopted by the House Energy and Commerce Committee (H.R. 3200) includes a provision that explicitly prohibits federal subsidies to any health plan that chooses to cover abortions beyond the Hyde Amendment restriction. Finally, I will not support a health care plan that allows federal funding of abortions beyond the Hyde Amendment.

If you remember the long debate of last summer, there were plenty of people from Sarah Palin to James Dobson who warned us repeatedly that Obamacare would allow for federally funded abortions. We knew…it’s kind of hard to believe that Blanche Lincoln couldn’t figure out that this is what would happen.

Pennsylvania is just the first state. Other states are following suit and will be receiving their money soon-(money that we don’t have by the way).

If you are tired of politicians pushing their social agendas, spending money that they don’t have, and then lying about it on top of everything else, make sure that you send a message, loud and clear this November!

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Filed under Abortion, Blanche Lincoln, Health Care Reform, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized

Stop The Slaughter

Rep. Louise Slaughter attempts to silence the American People by "deeming" the health care bill passed.

Representative Louise Slaughter , Chairman House Rules Committee, is attempting to use a “self executing rule” that would send obamacare to the President for his signature.  The procedure is described in this Wall Street Journal article:


It is imperative that we contact the nine Democratic members of the House Rules Committee and tell them that we are apalled that such a measure would be considered and implore them to vote no on the measure.

Representative Louise M. Slaughter      202-225-3615     

Representative Joe McGovern            (202) 225-6101

Representative Alcee Hastings          (202) 225-1313     

Representative Doris Matsui             202.225.7163     

Representative Dennis Cardoza           (202) 225-6131    

Representative Mike Arcuri           (202)225-3665     

Representative Ed Permutter         202.225.2645     

Representative Chellie Pingree       (202) 225-6116     

Representative Jared Polis        202.225.2161


Filed under Alcee Hastings, Chellie Pingree, Democracy, Dennis Cardoza, Doris Matsui, Ed Permutter, Freedom, Health Care Reform, Jared Polis, Joe McGovern, Louise Slaughter, Mike Arcuri

What does Joe Biden do? New podcast is rolling…

Cross Section Podcast

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Filed under Al Gore, Blanche Lincoln, Charlie Rangel, Eric Cantor, Global Warming, Health Care Reform, Healthcare Summit, Joe Biden

Nancy Pelosi: “It will take courage to vote for the health care bill.”

Nancy Pelosi has told her Democratic colleagues that it will take courage to vote for the sweeping healthcare bill that will alter 1/6 of our economy.  I say it will take more than courage.

Let’s see, what else will it take to vote for the health care bill….hmmmm…….

  • Legislators will have to have the ability to ignore the wishes of their constituents who in poll after poll have said that they do not want this bill.
  • It will take the ability to look past the mountain of debt that already exists and the country’s inability to pay for this bill.
  • They will also have to have the ability to conveniently forget that medicare and social security are on the brink of bankruptcy.
  • Legislators will have to be able to look past and forget about the numerous other countries who are going broke because of socialized medicine.
  • It will take the ability to forget that the United States spends the most on healthcare because we have the highest level of medical technology. (Remember when well healed Canadians need healthcare, they come to the USA.)
  • It will take an astonishing lack of common sense to think that anything that the government does could actually save money.  (How many government plans have actually succeeded in lowering costs on anything?)
  • It will take an ability to forget that the Republicans have offered some ideas that would actually cut costs and could be done in the private sector. (tort reform, health savings accounts, etc.)

Well, I guess it will take more than courage to vote for this bill, Ms. Pelosi.


Filed under Health Care Reform, Nancy Pelosi, Politics

Gallup Confirms It-Dems Choose Reconciliation At Their Own Peril

Check out this interesting Gallup Poll information regarding the Healthcare bill Americans Tilt Against Democrats’ Plans if Summit Fails.

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Filed under Health Care Reform, Uncategorized

Harry Reid to Senate: Let The Bribery Begin!

The cost of buying the Senator from Louisiana’s vote?  300 million dollars.

The cost of buying the Senator from Nebraska, Ben Nelson’s vote?  500 million dollars.

The cost of seeing their faces when they are voted out by angry constituents?  Priceless.

No, this isn’t the script of a commercial, this is actually happening.   Senators are lining up for payoffs for their states in exchange for voting for the still to be seen Health Reform Bill in the Senate.  If you live in Arkansas, don’t let Blanche Lincoln cast her vote without hearing your voice.  And this is my warning to our readers:  If this bill does actually pass (and I think that Harry Reid will make sure that he buys enough votes to make it pass); then watch out for the conference hearing on the bill-they aren’t through trying to sneak things by the American people.  Now a warning for Congress:  you vote for this bill and other tax and spend bills like it at your own peril.  The American people will not forget and we will be lining up at voting booths ready to vote you out!

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Filed under Budget, Democracy, Economy, Elections, Government waste, Health Care Reform, Taxes

Identifying the “Fat Cats” in the Private Sector While Ignoring them in the Public Sector

Mr. Obama was on a tear telling the 60 Minutes interviewer that he did not come to Washington to help a bunch of “fat cats” on Wall Street.  Well, that’s just great.  I guess he just came to Washington to help the fat cats there!

Since Mr. Obama took office, government employees making over $170,00o per year have literally exploded.  Before he took office there was only one employee in the Department of Transportation making that amount.  Now there is over a thousand employees just in that one department alone making that princely sum. 

Most of the businesses that I am aware of have cut workers, cut salaries or frozen salaries due to the economic times that we find ourselves in.  Prudent measures that sometimes have to be taken to save a business from failing all together.  Not the government, though, while families and businesses are cutting their budgets, Washington is on a spending spree. 

Congress just sent to the President’s desk a spending bill with over 5000 earmarks that when totaled up was over 1.1 TRILLION dollars.  Apparently, budgeting, is only for us “little people”.   Oh, and while they’re spending like there’s no tomorrow with money that they printed up just for the occasion;  they are planning on taking over the health care system.  Are you kidding me!

I’m tired of it.  Let’s send a message to Washington.  Let’s vote out these tax and spenders.  Let’s take back our government.


Filed under Budget, Economy, Government waste, Health Care Reform, Taxes

The 21st Century Louisiana Purchase

Representative Cao from the New Orlean’s congressional district was promised financial help for New Orlean’s and what was the quid pro quo?  Cao promised to vote yes on the House version of healthcare reform. 

Mary Landrieu, Senator from Louisiana was bought off with the promise of $300,000,000 for Louisiana.

Isn’t it ironic that the Senator from Louisiana was bought off with money that the country doesn’t have; to get a yes vote on a health bill that the United States also can’t pay for?  Is this not the biggest shell game in history?

Well, the question is, what will President Obama and Harry Reid have to come up with to buy Blanche Lincoln’s vote?  I’m hopeful that the voices of her constituents will be enough to keep her on the straight and narrow and that she will vote no on the Senate version.  The most recent polls say that Arkansans are solidly against the government take over of health care that the Senate and House are proposing. 

Senator Lincoln should remember that Arkansans expect their elected leaders to vote the way their constituents want them to vote-not the way Harry Reid and the President want them to vote!  Not only that, she should remember that we will not forget how she voted on this issue when we go to the polls in 2010!

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Filed under Health Care Reform

The First Casualty of Health Care “Reform”……..Women

A federal task force……(let me say that again)…..a FEDERAL task force today made up of 16 “health care experts” decided today that mammograms for those 40 – 50 should not be routine for the early detection of breast cancer. 

Does it strike anyone as odd that none of the people on this task force are oncologists?  Wouldn’t it be prudent to have maybe someone that knows about breast cancer on a commission that is going to decide what standards health insurance companies will be willing to pay for?  Does it worry anyone that the American Cancer Society thinks that this is idiocy?  I give you a quote from a Harvard professor who actually is a mammography expert: “Tens of thousands of lives are being saved by mammography screening, and these idiots want to do away with it,” said Daniel B. Kopans, a professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School.  He went on to say, “It’s crazy — unethical, really.”

This is what happens when the federal government comes between you and your doctor.  This is the beginning of rationing.  This is just the beginning.  Be watching folks; I would venture to bet that we’re going to see lots of other task forces of so-called  “experts”  who will come to the conclusion that this or that medical test really isn’t all that necessary. 

Ask anyone of millions of women who are alive today because their cancer was caught at an early stage because of mammography what they think.  Ask them if they think it’s a necessity. 

Now go directly to your phone or your email and tell your Senators what you think about the government having ANY involvement in your health care decisions. 

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Filed under Health Care Reform

Blue Dogs or Lap Dogs….We’ll Find Out

52 Democrats refer to themselves as Blue Dog Democrats.  They are generally thought to be more fiscally conservative than their progressive counterparts.  Well, today, we will find out if the blue dogs actually have any teeth.  Today we will find out if they take their marching orders from Nancy Pelosi or the American people.

Today, the Pelosi Healthcare Takeover Bill is coming up for a vote and all week long Mrs. Pelosi and President Obama have been twisting arms, passing out pork, promises, threats and whatever it takes to get their Democratic members  in line to vote for the massive government take over of health care.

I have a message for those blue dogs… you vote for this atrocious bill at your own risk.  You will be sent to the “dog pound” in 2010 by your constituents if you do.  If you can’t bear your teeth and stand up to Pelosi to prevent passage of a 1.2 trillion dollar bill  that expands government and raises costs, then what good are you?

We are counting on you blue dogs.  Will you succumb to the power of Pelosi or will you stand up  for freedom, smaller government, lower costs, and common sense, incremental, health care reform.

So the question remains.  Blue Dogs or lap dogs……we’ll find out.

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Filed under Government waste, Health Care Reform, Politics