Tag Archives: Freedom

Stop The Slaughter

Rep. Louise Slaughter attempts to silence the American People by "deeming" the health care bill passed.

Representative Louise Slaughter , Chairman House Rules Committee, is attempting to use a “self executing rule” that would send obamacare to the President for his signature.  The procedure is described in this Wall Street Journal article:


It is imperative that we contact the nine Democratic members of the House Rules Committee and tell them that we are apalled that such a measure would be considered and implore them to vote no on the measure.

Representative Louise M. Slaughter      202-225-3615     

Representative Joe McGovern            (202) 225-6101

Representative Alcee Hastings          (202) 225-1313     

Representative Doris Matsui             202.225.7163     

Representative Dennis Cardoza           (202) 225-6131    

Representative Mike Arcuri           (202)225-3665     

Representative Ed Permutter         202.225.2645     

Representative Chellie Pingree       (202) 225-6116     

Representative Jared Polis        202.225.2161


Filed under Alcee Hastings, Chellie Pingree, Democracy, Dennis Cardoza, Doris Matsui, Ed Permutter, Freedom, Health Care Reform, Jared Polis, Joe McGovern, Louise Slaughter, Mike Arcuri

The Big Speech…..What You Will Hear vs. The Facts

President Obama will be delivering a speech tonight that many feel will be a tipping point, either way, for his presidency.  That’s not the point really.  Tonight, this speech is a tipping point for the American people.  In the news, I’ve been watching sharks swimming, menacingly, off the east coast this week, ready to attack.  That’s quite the metaphor for what Congress and the President are doing in the health care debate.  They have been biding their time, threatening to push this plan on the American people,  and now they are poised to act.

Tonight you will hear many things that sound really good.  A good politician can make anything sound good.  What remains, however, are troubling facts.  And they don’t sound  very good.

Fact 1:  The CBO says that the current proposals will not lower costs.  So when you hear the president talk about lowering costs, remember the facts.

Fact 2:  Virtually everyone on both sides of the aisle agree that Medicare will run out of funds somewhere between 2017 and 2020.  So, when you hear the president talking about what a “great” government program that Medicare is remember this fact.

Fact 3:  When you hear that the Post Office, Fed Ex and UPS are coexisting beautifully together as an example of a government program not running a private competitor out of business, remember that the Post office is the one continually in the red.  Also remember that this is flawed logic any way:  remember that no one forces you to use any of these postal options to the exclusion of the others.  (I have used all three of these options depending on what I need sent and where it’s going.)   Government healthcare will be a different story entirely.

Fact 4:  Millions of people will lose their current coverage if any government option is in place according to many independent studies.  Think about it-why would your employer continue to offer health insurance when they can hand that job over to the government option which will, by design, be cheaper (at least initially).  So when the president says that if you want to keep your current policy you can;  remember this fact and remember that he is the one who said it might take several years but we would get to a single payer system.  This is how he intends to do it.

Fact 5:  Social Security is going broke, Medicare is going broke, the government is spending and printing money like it’s candy.  Fraud and waste account for around 10% (conservatively) of the money spent in Medicare.   So when you hear the president talk about lowering costs, tell him to get Medicare in order first. 

Listen to the speech, but remember the facts and don’t remain silent.  Call your representatives and tell them to keep government out of health care.


Filed under Economy, Freedom, Health Care Reform, Politics, Town Hall Meetings

7000 Miles of the TEA Party Express

It all began in Sacramento, CA last Friday on the 28th of August.  On that day the TEA Party Express began a nearly 7000 mile trek across the country to remind the government that they report to us and not the other way around.  The crowds have been energized and having a good time celebrating freedom.  The Express will be coming to Little Rock, AR on Friday, September 4th.  

They must be making an impact because wherever they have gone while in Nevada the last couple of days, Harry Reid has had a videographer present to record the events.  I wonder if he just wants to keep reliving the heady days of the August recess from congress.  I wouldn’t think that would be fun for him or for many in Congress who have had a tough August recess.  Harry has reason to worry about the tea partiers as he is down in all of the polls. 

To get more information and read the daily blog from the teaparty express, go to www.TeaPartyExpress.org.

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Filed under Freedom, T.E.A Party